About Qigong

Qigong (pronounced Chee gung) is a type of gentle exercise which originated in China and has been practised for thousands of years.

Gentle movements are done repeatedly in a flowing sequence bringing mind, body and breath together which encourages relaxation and creates a meditative effect.

The movements are simple and easy to follow which makes the practice enjoyable and available to most people. They can be done standing or seated or a combination of the two. 

The word qi translates as energy or life force and gong is translated as work, skill, practice or cultivation. Qigong is practised to enhance the circulation of qi (energy) around the body and to bring it into balance.  By rebalancing our energy and getting it flowing freely we can improve our overall health and sense of wellbeing.

There are a huge number and variety of forms but you don’t need to know many to benefit from the practise.  A lot of the forms have names relating to the natural world e.g. dancing with rainbows, scooping from the sea, plucking stars and they have different physical benefits e.g. working on balance, improving digestion, improving breathing.

One of the many great things about qigong is that the more that you relax and enjoy the practise the more benefits you can experience.

Tai Chi or Qigong?

Tai Chi and Qigong originate from ancient China and Qigong was practised before Tai Chi evolved. The main difference between the two is that Tai Chi is a martial art based on fighting technique and Qigong is practised for health. 

Qigong is generally considered to be more accessible than Tai Chi because movements are repeated a number of times and can be practised individually or in short sequences. The forms are less precise and can be adapted to suit the individual.

There is some overlap between the two and two of the sets of movements that I teach, Shibashi 1 and Shibashi 2 are known as Tai Chi Qigong.  They were devised 1979 by Professor Lin Hou Sheng, a great master in China who combined elements of yang style tai chi with elements of Qigong.