About me

I am a qualified instructor of Qigong for Health and have been practising for 8 years. I trained with Sifu Wing Cheung's senior instructors at the Shiatsu College, London and have furthered my training mostly with the fantastic Flowing Zen School of Qigong.

I have a keen interest in health, wellbeing and exercise and have taught on these subjects for the NHS and in adult education.

Discovering Tai Chi Qigong has been wonderful.  It allows me to calm my mind through movement and gives me time to focus on myself and my wellbeing. I find that after practising I feel refreshed, more grounded and centred and more in touch with my values and the way I want to be. 

I have practised seated meditation for many years but when I was suddenly under a lot of stress I found it hard to do. Luckily I discovered qigong.

Moving my body whilst focusing on the movements and my breath, relaxed my mind and gave me a chance to switch off.

It was like meditation in motion, giving me a sense of peace, a chance to reconnect with myself.

I am really keen to help others discover the fantastic benefits of Qigong. It is such an easy, accessible and effective practice. 

It can be learnt quickly and practised for various lengths of time, with no equipment, at home alone or in a group with others. 

It can be used for relaxation and stress relief but also for strength, flexibility and balance and it has many benefits, physical, mental and emotional.